A Pattern for a Warm and Cozy Tea Mug

I’m a believer…. Double-knitting is the holy grail of knitting in my very humble opinion. It’s colorful, can be dramatic, or subtle; design options are seemly endless; it’s doubly warm and best of all there are no yarn floats on the back side as in stranded knitting.   Because I ABHOR locking floats….. well perhaps …

The Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas! (Part 4: The conclusion of the crazy details)

The rest of the crafting details…  Snitches The snitches are Lindor chocolate and caramel truffles and I used this printable for the wings…. Dragon egg I originally made this dragon egg for my Harry Potter party but decided to re-purpose it for my niece. I purchased a paper mache egg at a craft store and …

The Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas! (Part 3: The detailed craziness)

In these 2 blog posts I’ll go into a little bit of detail about each item I constructed for my niece’s Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas Present. So without further ado… Trunk I found this decorative trunk at a crafting/ decor store and decided to add a lining. I used 4-5 square sheets of scrapbooking paper …

The Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas! (Part 2: The Video Tour)

Welcome witches, wizards, house elves and goblins! to this, my first ever attempt at a video blog! Congratulations, you are about to watch me be awkward and ridiculous 🙂 My niece’s Christmas present is now done and I wanted to take you on a quick tour through its various parts so that you can shake your …

Fortnight of Fun: Birthday Edition

In grand and impressive fashion, the universe has conspired to pepper the fortnight before and after my birthday with a veritable plethora of merriment…. much of it bearing a decidedly Harry-Potter flavor 🙂 Prepare thyself for oodles of exclamation points and let the festivities begin!   Stardate 10/3/2017: The Illustrated edition of Harry Potter and …