The Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas! (Part 4: The conclusion of the crazy details)

The rest of the crafting details…  Snitches The snitches are Lindor chocolate and caramel truffles and I used this printable for the wings…. Dragon egg I originally made this dragon egg for my Harry Potter party but decided to re-purpose it for my niece. I purchased a paper mache egg at a craft store and …

The Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas! (Part 3: The detailed craziness)

In these 2 blog posts I’ll go into a little bit of detail about each item I constructed for my niece’s Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas Present. So without further ado… Trunk I found this decorative trunk at a crafting/ decor store and decided to add a lining. I used 4-5 square sheets of scrapbooking paper …

The Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas! (Part 2: The Video Tour)

Welcome witches, wizards, house elves and goblins! to this, my first ever attempt at a video blog! Congratulations, you are about to watch me be awkward and ridiculous 🙂 My niece’s Christmas present is now done and I wanted to take you on a quick tour through its various parts so that you can shake your …

The Splendiferous Harry Potter Christmas! (Part 1: The Idea!)

Harry Potter lives in my blood, as surely as Lily Potter’s protection from Lord Voldemort lives in Harry’s. (That’s right, that’s the level of geek you’re about to wade into…. PREPARE THYSELF!!) From the first paragraph I read in the dim, dark past of college I have loved this world.  J.K. Rowling is my favorite …

An idea pokes its head out of the shadows and sniffs the air tentatively….   (Beginnings: Pt. 4)

After giving away 2 scarves, totaling 156,400 stitches and 9+ months of work, and finishing the Mantle of Fierce Majesty, I decided it was time, finally, to make a scarf for myself. To invest that much time, however, I knew it needed to be something I truly loved. And though many fandoms could claim that …

A Knitter’s Sojourn to “Always…” (Beginnings: Pt. 1)

Oh, the miles and miles of yarn I’ve consumed, from my very first stitch, to  “Always… a scarf of witchcraft and wizardry” (my first published pattern, a double-knit scarf following the story of Harry Potter from the Sorcerer’s Stone to the Deathly Hallows)! My immense pride in my scarf comes not just from the overwhelming …