Fortnight of Fun: Birthday Edition

In grand and impressive fashion, the universe has conspired to pepper the fortnight before and after my birthday with a veritable plethora of merriment…. much of it bearing a decidedly Harry-Potter flavor 🙂 Prepare thyself for oodles of exclamation points and let the festivities begin!


Stardate 10/3/2017: The Illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is released… muggles of the free world rejoice! Accio book!


Stardate 10/5/2017: Knitting with the peeps! Engorgio knitting project!


Stardate 10/7/2017: The Magical Music of Harry Potter as performed by the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra… I attend incognito, to blend in 😉 Sonorus!

A zoo education owl stopped by in the lobby!
Waiting in line for the costume parade across the stage
There are a lot of costumed “Potter-heads” here tonight!

Stardate 10/11/2017: The Metropolitan Opera’s encore performance of Norma is broadcast throughout the country… I am there! adding some rows to Sailor’s Gryffindor scarf … Despite getting super sleepy in the last 30 minutes… because it’s 3 1/2 hrs long after all. Petrificus Totalus! (because I’m in awe of such talent and it is considered the Mount Everest of Soprano parts!)


Stardate 10/12/2017: More Knitting with the peeps! We called upon the newly discovered god of yarn, Knitamus, to ensure Susan’s lace stitch number came out correctly. So I illustrated what our new deity looks like for a shrine…. basically it’s Totoro made out of fiber 🙂 Mobiliarbus yarn!


Stardate 10/13/2017: The blessed day itself… Friday the 13th! Never bad luck for this witch 🙂 I enjoy an evening of pizza, MacGyver, Wonder Woman Cupcakes and the most awesome Wonder Woman birthday card everLumos! 

Not my actual cupcakes but this was the general idea

Stardate 10/14/2017: The Metropolitan Opera’s performance of The Magic Flute mesmerizes the masses… I am there yet again… with my knitting! Rennervate (my heart)!

Stardate 10/15/2017: A Day of Mischief! a Harry Potter themed day of tomfoolery at the Conway Expo Center…. I bring the Doctor along as I attend in all my Hermione glory. It’s Levi-O-sa… not Levio-SA….


 Stardate 10/17/2017: John Mulaney- one of the funniest comics around in my opinion- regales us with tales of wisecrack and whimsy…. “Street Smarts!”   Riddikulus!

Stardate 10/19/2017: Even more Knitting with the peeps. We each color on Knitamus, our patron knitting deity, with colored pencils! All he needs now is a frame. Mobiliarbus knitting needles!

Stardate 10/20/2017: Knitting with slightly different peeps (as well as some same peeps) at the Twisted Purl…. in all my witchy-ness! (i.e. I kind of half way wore my Hermione costume) I also win a door prize from the Arkansas Yarn Crawl! Expecto Patronum!

Rocking night knitting at the Twisted Purl!
Mosi approves of the door prize!
Door Prize is a cute hat kit and a kiwi pin. Plus the yarn has brushtail possum, which I have been yearning to buy!

Stardate 10/21/2017: Closing out the fortnight of frivolity by carving some festive pumpkins with the hubby…. one guess which one was mine 😉


[exhales] ….Mischief Managed!