QBoFM: When in doubt…. Go to the Library!

When in doubt, you do like Hermione does, and you go to the Library! I’m pretty biased towards libraries, but then I think everyone else should be too. How many times did Hermione save the boys’ posteriors by finding exactly the piece of information they needed in a book? Many, Many times!! That’s how many!

Therefore to honor the illustrious bookworm who is Hermione, and provide some letter learning fun to the Quiet Book of Fierce Majesty, I have included a two-page spread for the library.

I decided to make books with letters on the cover that could be velcro-ed on and off the page. I embroidered the letters and all of the inner details of the book and added the self sticking velcro spot (tacked down for security). Then I cut out the two pieces of matching felt, added a tiny amount of polyfill, and stitched around the whole outside. And yep definitely went back and restitched “ABC” because my embroidery was subpar to say the least!

I divided the alphabet into 9 books with 3 letters each (and Y and Z enjoying some extra room on the final book). Velcro and shelving was added to both pages and matching embroidered letters were stitched on the left hand page in alphabetical order. Books can be stored on the right hand page and then matched to the letters on the left 🙂

A Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw student were added to the bottom corners, showing their commitment to studiousness 😀

Slowly, slowly…. this one was one of the most work intensive pages I’ve done yet and since it was a two page spread it definitely took a while to complete! But I am very happy with how it turned out. (And the little one may have already gotten to play with it a little bit 😉 …. couldn’t resist! )