QBoFM: Uniform and Chess Pages

The Quiet Book of Fierce Majesty doth continue to grow slowly!

After finishing the cover and the Gringott’s counting page I decided to go ahead and get one of the easiest pages done and out of the way. To promote manual dexterity, and all that, I decided to make a Chess board page harkening back to the tasks at the end of “Sorcerer’s Stone”. I cut 9 pieces each of two different colors of ribbon. I then pinned one set in place and back-stitched along the edge to hold them down. I pinned the other color at a right angle from the first set and secured them the same way. I then cut four sides for a chess board border and stitched around them to hold everything in place around edges. I also cut out, decorated and sewed down two chess pieces for decoration.

Now the offspring can weave the ribbons in and out in whatever configuration his heart desires!

Next I wanted to do a Hogwarts uniform page with some fun things to play with, such as velcro, buttons, and snaps. I HEAVILY borrowed inspiration from the “Today I Felt Crafty” blog and their Harry Potter uniform page.

I cut out a white shirt and added a pocket for some felt “glasses”. For the vest I cut two pieces of grey felt, sewed them down along the edges and then cut and reinforced three button holes.

The tie was cut out of red felt, with yellow stripes that were then glued and tacked down with some stitches. I added a snap to the back of the tie.

The final layer was the Hogwarts robe, which I overlapped and connected with a piece of velcro. A removable Gryffindor patch with lion was added for fun!