Point of Origin Scarf… my first commissioned design!

My friend asked several months back about designing a scarf pattern based off of one of her favorite shows, Stargate Atlantis.  I had recently posted my “Excel tutorial for pattern making” and so we talked about what she would want the pattern to look like, as well as dimensions, needles, yarn etc.


We did a couple of sessions for me to teach her basic double knitting and I worked on translating the symbols from the show into a usable pattern. We would send the designs back and forth, talk about how changing different things would change the end product and eventually landed on what became the “Point of Origin” Scarf (now up on Ravelry).  After working steadily for a few months she finished and it looks great!


Not long after she started work on this scarf, she mentioned two other fandoms that she loved that she’d like to have designs for, the books “Six of Crows” and “Assassin’s Apprentice”.  It is definitely different to work on designs for things that you don’t know anything about at that point… I had to contact her several times to make sure that the symbols I was putting on “Six of Crows” were correct and that I wasn’t mixing and matching with “Assassin’s Apprentice”.  I really like how the “Six of Crows” design came out, especially some of the individual designs like the anatomical heart! And my friend’s enthusiasm actually led me to read “Six of Crows” and to put the second book in that series on the reading list as well. I haven’t gotten around to Assassin’s Apprentice (scarf design or book) but I have a feeling that once I start to work on the design, the desire to know the plot will make make the reading of the book a necessity 🙂