Harry Potter and the Chamber of Christmas presents!

Well I think my work indoctrinating my niece with my love for Harry Potter is done … my niece and my sister read through the first Harry Potter book that I got for her last Christmas, accompanied by a ridiculous number of small themed presents. Not long after they finished I was talking to my sister on the phone and she said my niece had something she wanted to ask me. So she put her on and all I heard was “the seeecond ooooonnnnneeee?!” When my sister got back on I asked if she meant she wanted the second book for Christmas and my sister informed me that actually she wants me to do the whole intense Christmas extravaganza all over again with the second book for Christmas…. 😉 you can’t say she doesn’t know her own mind!

Well when your niece has been bitten by the Harry Potter bug you have to do everything you can to let the infection spread! (wait… that doesn’t sound good… anyway…)

So I decided that yes she will get Harry Potter book 2 (the illustrated edition) for Christmas, and yes! I will have small gifts that correspond to parts of the story… but with a baby born in August I decided to go for maximum efficiency- less gifts, and make those gifts more useful (not props or just things to put around the room, but items that might get a decent amount of real world use). I’ll also confess that several of them were bought and the ones that were DIY were pretty simple in concept… hey I needed to give myself a little bit of a break this year 😉

So this is what I came up with….

Apparently my paper and hot glue wand got bent pretty quickly- I was jokingly told I needed a heavy duty, niece-proof version of everything. So this time I cut a dowel rod from Michaels, sanded to round the end and again used hot glue to add the handle and details. Then of course a heavy dose of paint… voila!

Ear muffs to fashionably protect her hearing from the dreaded mandrakes.

Some slugs that she WON’T get grossed out by, and some real Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans for her adventurous moments.

A crocheted Phoenix to watch over her

Her own Diary/sketchbook and quill pen. I have no idea how long the quill will hold up but it works! I used this tutorial at Craftmcfangirl.com

A basilisk fang necklace, guaranteed venom free! I was inspired by this tutorial at deliciousreads.com.

And glorious socks! Dobby is free!